Free Papers Submission
The EAFPS 2022 Organizing Committee is pleased to invite you to submit an abstract for consideration for the Free Paper Presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery (EAFPS 2022).
Free Paper Abstract Submission deadline is March 31, 2022.
Submission will be available from the begining of February 2022
Abstract Guidelines

- Types of presentation:
- Lecture,
- Short video,
- Poster.
- All abstracts must be submitted on-line through the abstract submission form. Abstracts that are sent via e-mail or fax will not be included in the abstract assessment process by the Scientific Committee.
- All abstracts should be prepared in English.
- If an abstract is accepted for presentation, the first author must undertake to present it.
- Each participant may only submit one abstract as a presenting author. In the case of having more than one abstract submitted by the same presenting author, the Scientific Committee will select one of the abstracts.
- The presenting author assumes full responsibility of the content of the abstract and must ensure that all other authors are aware of this content before the abstract is submitted.
- Presenting author is required to register to the meeting by the 30 May, 2022 in order to have the accepted free paper included in the program.
Preparation of Abstracts
- Presenting Author Information: Please enter the presenting author details, full name of institution with department included and contact information.
- Corresponding Author(s) Information: First, middle and last names of the authors must be fully indicated correctly and in the right order.
- Corresponding Authors Institution(s): The institution(s) of the authors should be indicated fully with the "department" and "institution" names while avoiding any abbreviations such as Dept., Inst., Hosp., etc. And in the right order. The institution and city should be written in lower case while the initials of each word are written in capitals.
- Free Paper Abstract Title: Abstract title can contain a maximum of 250 characters.
- Abstract Text: Abstract text should not exceed 2500 words.
Abstract texts should be consisting of four sections given below:
- Objectives
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusions
It is possible to make changes in the already submitted abstracts until 31st March, 2022 by writing to Meeting Secretariat. It will not be possible to make changes after this deadline.
Please ensure that the e-mail address of the presenting Author should be entered correctly to enable the Meeting Organizing Secretariat to get in contact with you regarding the abstract. All information regarding the acceptance, any required adjustments and scheduling will be communicated through the presenting author e-mail.
Notification Letters
All submitted abstracts will be evaluated by the Scientific Committee following the abstract submission deadline and the acceptance letters will be sent latest by 15 May, 2022 via e-mail.
Relevant information about your abstract's presentation including the presentation date, time, hall, presentation number will be included in the acceptance letters.
- Presenting author of the abstract must be registered to the meeting no later than 30 May, 2022.
Abstracts of the presenting authors who do not register to the meeting and do not make the registration payment by the deadline, will be cancelled, and removed from the program.
If you need any further information, please feel free to email us at the Meeting Secretariat.